Day 1 - Clarity – Set a Solid Foundation for Success
You were born with magnificent potential and you have the innate ability to be and have anything you want... unfortunately most do not know how to get what they want. Gain crystal clear clarity and learn how to accomplish what you once thought was beyond your capability and start creating massive results.
Day 2 - Strategy – Build a Roadmap to Turn your Idea into Income
You need the right go-to-market strategy that is simple AND scalable, so you can step into your role as the visionary leader of your company and stop wasting your energy on a million disjointed tactics.
Day 3 - Systems – The Keys to Your Legacy Business
During this session, you will learn key systems to turn your idea into income. As the CEO of your company, you need to be focusing on what really matters to build your legendary business... not wasting your precious time (weeks that turn into months and months that turn into years) on trying to find and effectively utilize the systems that will take your business to your next level of success.
Day 4 - Limiting Beliefs - The Story I Tell Myself
Finding your purpose is just step one. You can see the road, now it is time to see the obstacles that are in the way of your destination. What are those mental blocks that keep you from achieving your dreams? This session dives deep to eliminate those inner voices of doubt and negativity, revealing specific unconscious beliefs. Recognize and release any mental or emotional obstacle(s) that is holding you back from achieving your biggest goals and dreams.
Day 5 - Growth - Build your Legacy Business by working Smarter NOT Harder
We will discuss building your legacy business by working smarter NOT harder… even if you still work full-time and have family obligations. Learn what you need to move your business building activities forward and how to build a budget-friendly team that will support you in reaching your goal.