Discover your life purpose... Because it is never too late to be what you might have been.


Why Purpose Ignited?
Do you wake up every morning with the fire of desire burning inside? Or, do you simply feel blah, HOPING and PRAYING to stumble upon that one thing that will give you more meaning to life?
  •  Do you think about your LIFE and want to run away from it…?  You desire MEANING behind what you are doing!
  •  You feel burned out! You are tired of not getting all you know that you are capable of.
  • ​You feel like there is untapped talent locked up inside of you that is being wasted as life is passing you by.
  • ​You want MORE... maybe more money or freedom. 
  •  You desperately want change… free from the unnecessary stress and anxiety that are running your life.
  • ​You want to eliminate those inner voices of doubt and negativity  holding you back from your ultimate greatness.  
You are simply unsatisfied, unfulfilled and 
NOT following your purpose.
If you’re anything less than absolutely satisfied with where you are right now, then Purpose Ignited™  is for you. In it, you will discover how to ignite your purpose and ascend to new heights - Be More. Do More. Have More.

There are too many people out there who have spent years watching the clock, working for other people and making their dreams a reality... but they never get the personal satisfaction they deserve. They are simply wasting time while making money for someone else.
It’s easy to spend YEARS wasting time, dreaming about what could be. BUT...
Isn’t it time to say enough’s enough? 
Isn’t it time to feel ALIVE every morning?
Isn’t it time to break free of the shackles, to really LIVE?
Let’s face it... you’re not getting any younger. If you haven’t found "the thing," it’s not your fault. It’s not just a matter of having the knowledge, it’s about having the right systems in place to USE what you’ve learned to its fullest potential. Purpose Ignited™  has everything you need to light your fire. 
It’s time to get ENERGIZED.
It’s time to get INSPIRED.
It’s time to step into YOUR purpose.
It’s time for Purpose Ignited!
What Is Purpose Ignited?
Are you ready to take the first step in discovering your purpose BUT YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START? Or maybe there is something holding you back that is hindering you from advancing  and achieving your ultimate goals.That’s where PURPOSE IGNITED™  can help. 

This program will have you dive deep; giving you insight and strategy to move you out of the space of inaction and indecisiveness and focus on what really matters - making your dreams a reality.

So if you are ready to peel back the layers, gain clarity and confidence, then 
PURPOSE IGNITED™  will get you moving in the right direction to ascend beyond what you ever could imagine.

Don’t let this opportunity pass – all you need to do is take the first step with 
Discover your purpose to 
Be More. Do More. Have More.
You are just a click away from getting your PURPOSE IGNITED! 
Every single person out there deserves to live their ideal life. 
Yes, that includes YOU!

You are worthy of living that beautiful life where your mental roadblocks are removed. When that happens, life stops being a burden and your true purpose can be realized. 
Purpose Ignited™  is a guided course loaded with professional instruction, workbooks, and other resources to help you ascend both personally and professionally. 
Guiding you through life changing information:
Get clear on what you are offering the world! This is something special – a gift that you are giving yourself. Know that you have a powerful, resilient and infinite spirit within you that is unstoppable. To access it, you’ve got to get out of your own way and decide that from this moment forward you are going to create the outcomes you truly deserve.

Confidence follows when you know your purpose. This module unleashes your inner expert by giving you clarity so powerful that you cannot help but take vital action.

Finding your purpose is just step one. You can see the road, now it’s time to see the obstacles that are in the way of your destination. What are those mental blocks that keep you from achieving your dreams? This module dives deep to eliminate those inner voices of doubt and negativity; revealing specific unconscious beliefs. Recognize and release any mental or emotional obstacle(s) that is holding you back from achieving your biggest goals and dreams.

You will gain the strategies to overcome fear and doubt forever, while building the emotional intelligence that allows you to reach your ultimate level of success in every area of your life. Eliminate any “inner” blocks such as fear of failing, being embarrassed, ashamed, or judged. Stop the struggle, build the skills, and conquer. Turn any fear into your fuel for success.

What happens when you flip the script on those bad narratives? You become unstoppable! Put those positive thoughts and actions to use and develop good habits that align you even closer with your purpose. Train the “genius” part of your brain to focus on exactly how you will achieve your goals versus why you can’t. This provides rock-solid techniques, so you can do just that daily.

It’s time to share your lessons with the world and teach them what you’ve learned. In this module, you learn how to share that desire to get others excited about YOUR story and the opportunities designed for YOU. It puts people at the center and illuminates the mission in action. Gain unstoppable self-confidence and self-esteem. Rescript and reshape your self-image into an empowered successful person. Enjoy a life filled with more significance, purpose and meaning.

*Reserved ONLY for the first 5 to register!

Together we will determine your next steps for SUCCESS!
Here Is Exactly What You Will Get!
Purpose Ignited™  Program:
  • The comprehensive, no-holds barred Purpose Ignited  program. This program is set up in perfect bite-sized nuggets, so you can get what you need for the most positive impact on your life.
  • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION - Purpose Ignited™ is a guided course loaded with professional instruction to help you ascend both personally and professionally. 

*Reserved ONLY for the first 10 to register!

Together we will determine your next steps for SUCCESS!
"It has been my pleasure to work with Dawn Berg, for the past two years. Dawn has provided consulting services for my organization in varies areas.

Dawn is always well prepared and demonstrates a very professional manner in her interaction at every level within my organization. The employee interaction with Dawn is always very positive. Dawn is a very motivated businessperson and is capable of meeting any goal set.

Working with Dawn is one of the best decisions I made and I have no reservations of recommending Dawn for any job."
Karen - Chief Executive Officer
  •  A true discovery of your given purpose.
  •  A deep dive of YOU; giving you the insight and strategy to move you out of the space of inaction and indecisiveness and focus on what really matters - making your business dreams a reality!
  •  An opportunity to peel back the layers, gain clarity and confidence to get you moving on your life journey.
  •  Get clear on WHO you are meant to serve so you can make a real difference.
  • ​Eliminate the limits that ONLY exist in your mind. Never again be paralyzed with fear of "Am I good enough?" “Who will buy from me?” or “What if no one likes me?” 
  •  Get clear on the specific unconscious beliefs that stop you from taking action and release them for good!
  •  Understand how your family and society literally programmed you to function unconsciously based on their beliefs and values.
  •  Feel confident being the expert in what you do, even if you have fears, self-doubts or a “fraud complex” - IMPOSTOR SYNDROME!
  • ​Discover what it will take to go to the next level of living out your purpose and creating your biggest dreams.
  •  Eradicate hidden issues that are blocking you from taking action on your big vision.
  •  Eliminate lingering fear and self-doubt so you can advance in YOUR PURPOSE!
  •  Learn to live in your Purpose and live a courageous life.
  •  Discover what it will take to go to the next level of living out your purpose and creating your ultimate potential. 
  • ​Understand that We ARE what we THINK - there is ONLY one driver behind your ascension. 
  • ​Learn what you can do daily to move your business forward with ease. 
  • ​Be in alignment with your purpose through expert identified areas to advance quickly and clearly while shining in your truth. 
  •  Gain clarity on crafting and delivering your powerful story.
  •  Stop settling and being unclear about your life purpose; learn its' importance for advancement.
  •  Now it is your turn... What is YOUR story?
  •  Reflect on how far you’ve come and set yourself up for even more ASCENDING SUCCESS.
The story behind... 
Purpose Ignited™  
Throughout approximately 25+ years of experience in working with leadership teams, and individual consulting clients, I discovered that with just a little structure teams could ascend to be top-producing teams. And the same exact outcome holds true for individuals looking to ascend and achieve the unthinkable. 

During my career, I discovered a proven streamlined process to accomplish goals and experience ascension in 90-days or less - Purpose Ignited Daily.

Purpose Ignited™, along with Purpose Ignited Daily, were developed for the achievers in the world; those that have a burning desire to advance and make a positive impact.

If YOU are one of the top individuals that want to achieve greatness, want to make an impact, want to ascend both personally and professionally. If YOU want success in all areas of your life. I want to tell you that you can have all that you desire and MORE! AND I want that for you too. 

I want you to achieve beyond what you ever thought possible. It will require commitment but if you embrace the process incorporated into Purpose Ignited Daily you will experience unimaginable accomplishments. The process is streamlined so you can reach your goals QUICKLY and EASILY. Just the way busy people need it to be. 
To YOUR Success!
Dawn Berg
Discover your purpose to 
Be More. Do More. Have More.
You are just a click away from getting your PURPOSE IGNITED!

Dawn Berg, MSA

High-Performance and Personal Growth Expert
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Nero-Linguistic Practitioner

High-Performance and Personal Growth Consultant
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Nero-Linguistic Practitioner
Rising up from adversity, Dawn Berg is now known as the "High-Performance" and Personal Growth Expert. Dawn is passionate about working with individuals and organizations by inspiring, strategizing and TRANSFORMING LEADERS INTO CHAMPIONS!™ She does this by increasing focus, clarity and performance; to break through their deepest obstacles and limiting beliefs to step into their true greatness.

A seasoned and dynamic executive, Dawn brings 25+ years of experience in progressive senior leadership roles, managing operations across varying organizational types and consistently delivering in a results-driven approach.
She has made a massive impact around the globe with her business and leadership development aptitude and #1 International Best-Seller, Purpose Ignited Daily - a proven and streamlined process to ascend in 90 days or less. She has unmatched skills of guiding businesses to scale their companies to multi-millions and individuals to live their lives to ultimate fulfillment.

Dawn is the founder of Assist Consulting Group; a consulting group for Health Center programs and other corporations, providing leadership and personal development through her signature program - Purpose Ignited™.

Dawn Amy provides personal and business development like no other. She has also developed on and off-line business building programs aimed to minimize unnecessary challenges and frustrations.

Honored to be invited to become a certified Proctor Gallagher Institute Consultant - THINKING INTO RESULTS™, Og Mandino Leadership Institute - HABIT FINDER™ coach, and a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner. Today Dawn takes pride in assisting individuals and corporations to rise up and ascend by helping them get mentally and emotionally stronger through coaching and mentoring.

Dawn and her team are undisputed experts on how to eliminate all the noise in order to become more successful. People engaged with their coaching workshops and programs create a better work/life balance, save time, eliminate stress, increase happiness, diminish anxiety, create courage, push through fear, take action, and create wealth.
Dawn holds a Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University. She believes in continual education and personal development.

Dawn is a native of North Dakota and enjoys living life to its fullest. Although she takes pride in her work, she takes time to enjoy flower gardening, power walking along the countryside, spending quality time with family and friends, and listening to almost any kind of music. She has a love for animals, big smiles, dancing, and those aspiring to excel.

Dawn was born to inspire people to make a positive difference both personally and professionally.
"Dawn Berg knows how to strategize and transform any organization in a positive way! Personally, I experienced her work of inspiring leadership and lead through an organizational change. Dawn knows leadership! 

As a born leader and teacher, she has the unique ability to transform organizations and leadership, in some of the most challenging environments, by igniting positive energy that produces a team approach corporate culture. She will show you the right way to lead! I have no reservations on recommending her to you!"
Keith - Technology Corporation 
It’s time to change my life!
Now, you could stall some more and just dream about what you’re going to do someday. But honestly, that hasn’t worked for you, has it? I mean, REALLY worked for you. Your life, your livelihood is a MILLION times more important than that, right? Don’t be a sinking ship.
It’s time to live with purpose!
Perfect Promise...
I want you to achieve beyond what you ever thought possible. It will require commitment, but if you embrace the process incorporated into Purpose Ignited™  you will experience unimaginable accomplishments. The process is streamlined so you can reach your goals QUICKLY and EASILY. Just the way busy people need it to be. 

I’ll do everything I can to help you get the most out of each Purpose Ignited™ module. If you do the work, I promise you that you’ll have an exciting new outlook on your life - personally and professionally. But I have to warn you now, it doesn’t work without the work!

RESULTS GUARANTEE - It's pretty easy... do the work and you will experience amazing results. Results that will position you to Do MORE. Be MORE. Have MORE. 
Discover your purpose to 
Be More. Do More. Have More.
You are just a click away from getting your PURPOSE IGNITED!


© 2018 Dawn Berg. All Rights Reserved.